Monday, 2 May 2011

A good day for harbours

Yesterday - Day 3 - was great for picturesque harbours, especially those along the North Norfolk coast. Things started well, with a following wind, making King's Lynn for lunch. But then I took the advice of a 'keen cyclist', who suggested I should btake National Cycle Route 1 to Boiston. What he didn't tell me wasjavascript:void(0) that it went via Wisbech. Being without a map or Satnav, I've tried to commit the route to memory. Stupidly, I didn't follow my own memorised map, but took his advice. Too late, I chickened out and headed off the signed route towards Sutton Bridge. Probably did an extra ten miles, making yesterday's route more like 96 miles!

Arrived as planned in Fishtoft, but left it late - it was nearly 8pm and the sun would soon be setting.

The wind is getting to me. Three days of unrelenting near-gale. It seemed to be coming at me every time the twisting route headed towards The Wash. Perhaps it will veer to the south-east and help me up the Lincolnshire coast today (some hope).

Cooked a great pasta and bacon last night, downed with a free cup of coffee from the camp site owner. Now it's 06.30 on Day 4 and time for porridge!

A really long day today at 105 miles, the longest on my route. It's mainly flat, so the winbd is the only problem. Feeling good with no aches or pains, just a little leg-weary.

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